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全球網站用戶最多,開源陣營的資料庫Mysql,日前推出了各平台的Mysql 4.1.16版本,取代原本的Mysql 4.1.15

不知道會不會再發佈Mysql 4.1.17,因為日前官網將原本有關4.1.17的更新說明文件拿掉。目前Mysql方面已經改推薦大家用Mysql 5,最新的版本是Mysql 5.0.16,功能更新滿多的,更像是個完善的資料庫系統。未來本站也會升級成Mysql 5,全面向5系列(PHP5+Mysql5)的網站架構邁進。

Yblog.org網站的資料庫系統也隨之更新到Mysql 4.1.16,這次的新版本對中文網站有一些幫助,解決了部分big5字碼的問題,對轉換成utf-8有幫助。

Mysql 4.1.16更新下載頁面

Mysql 4.1.16功能與bug更新列表


The CHAR() function now takes an optional USING charset clause that may be used to produce a result in a specific character set rather than in the connection character set.

MySQL 4.1 now supports character set conversion for seven additional cp950 characters into the big5 character set: 0xF9D6, 0xF9D7, 0xF9D8, 0xF9D9, 0xF9DA, 0xF9DB, and 0xF9DC. Note: If you move data containing these additional characters to an older MySQL installation which does not support them, you may encounter errors. (Bug #12476)

NDBCluster: The perror utility included with the MySQL-Server RPM now provides support for the –ndb option, and so can be used to obtain error message text for MySQL Cluster error codes. (Bug #13740)

When executing single-table UPDATE or DELETE queries containing an ORDER BY … LIMIT N clause, but not having any WHERE clause, MySQL can now take advantage of an index to read the first N rows in the ordering specified in the query. If an index is used, only the first N records will be read, as opposed to scanning the entire table. (Bug #12915)

The MySQL-server RPM now explicitly assigns the mysql system user to the mysql user group during the postinstallation process. This corrects an issue with upgrading the server on some Linux distributions whereby a previously existing mysql user was not changed to the mysql group, resulting in wrong groups for files created following the installation. (Bug #12823)

一直很喜歡的緞帶教堂 Ribbon Chapel
2005 年 12 月