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蘋果釋出Safari 3.0.4瀏覽器

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蘋果釋出Safari 3.0.4瀏覽器

日前提到蘋果推出新版瀏覽器Safari 3 Beta後,蘋果又釋出了微軟平台、MAC平台的Safari瀏覽器更新版本3.0.4,這次更新改善了穩定度、相容性、執行效能與安全性問題。另外幾個明顯的更新還有javascript、列印標題與頁碼、輸入法支援更新(比方說中文輸入)。


Safari 3.0.4更新下載網址

Safari 3.0.4這次更新的內容有:

Allows windows to be resized from any side
Includes an additional font smoothing option ("standard")
Adds International text input methods
Adds advanced text options (contextual forms, international scripts)
Supports NTLM
Includes auto-detection of PAC files
Supports listing FTP directories
Links to proxy settings from Safari (Safari respects the proxy settings in the Windows Internet control panel)
Adds cookie management
Adds LiveConnect support
Includes tooltips
Adds spell checking and grammar checking
Allows printing of page numbers, titles, margins
Improves bookmark collection interface
Maintains original order of imported bookmarks
Adds an interface for editing AutoFill information
History searches now search the full text of visited websites
Adds a new preference to manually mark RSS articles as read
Includes support for tilt wheels

一直很喜歡的緞帶教堂 Ribbon Chapel
2007 年 11 月