Firefox更新版本Firefox正式版2月24日開放下載了,這次的更新經過一段時間的每日更新檔案測試後,改善了諸多安全性問題,並提高執行效率,改善對Windows Vista的支援。
有興趣試用的人可以點選Mozilla方面釋出Firefox 繁體中文正式版下載連結。
MFSA 2007-07 Embedded nulls in location.hostname confuse same-domain checks
MFSA 2007-06 Mozilla Network Security Services (NSS) SSLv2 buffer overflow
MFSA 2007-05 XSS and local file access by opening blocked popups
MFSA 2007-04 Spoofing using custom cursor and CSS3 hotspot
MFSA 2007-03 Information disclosure through cache collisions
MFSA 2007-02 Improvements to help protect against Cross-Site Scripting attacks
MFSA 2007-01 Crashes with evidence of memory corruption (rv: