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Simlish是一個優美且有趣的語言,這是美商藝電(Electronics Art;EA)旗下的Maxis工作室所創造的,用在《模擬市民(Sims)》系列《模擬城市(SimCity)》系列等作品上,中文可以稱之為模擬市民語(Simlish)。

Simlish的組成是結合了烏克蘭語(Ukrainian)與菲律賓的Tagalog語,當初Maxis舵手,同時也是個人滿欣賞的製作人與設計者Will Wright大師,一度還想用第二次世界大戰中,美軍用來通訊的印第安語Navajo,這個語言在戰爭中因為非常困難,日本人幾乎無法破譯,也被翻拍為電影獵風行動(Windtalkers)



目前與EA合作的藝人中,有不少人會發行Simlish的單曲或歌曲,收錄在模擬市民系列的作品中或單獨發行,包括模擬市民、模擬市民2、模擬市民3,特別是後者的遊戲與資料片中,都有用模擬市民語演唱的歌曲。當中較成功的有另外做成原聲帶釋出,也有歌手發行模擬市民語單曲。最近我比較喜歡的範例,是美少女搭檔Aly & AJ用模擬市民語演唱的動聽單曲「Chemicals React」,這是搭配《模擬市民2:寵物當家》資料片宣傳與收錄用的曲子,也有發行單曲。EA連《寵物當家》片頭動畫前面出現的EA招牌用語之一的「Challenge Everything」語音,都索性換成Simlish發音的「Cheeya Vedishya」。



以下是幾個較簡單的Simlish單字,以及2段由獲得2006年美國音樂獎提名入圍(未獲獎)的Aly & AJ(她們為迪士尼童星起家)演唱Chemicals React模擬市民語版本MV,有興趣的就參考看看吧:

↑Aly & AJ的Chemicals React原版英文歌MV

↑Aly & AJ的Chemicals React模擬市民語正式版MTV,所有的畫面都是模擬市民2遊戲中能夠產生的。



Dag Dag:同樣也是再見的意思,類似荷蘭語的發音

Zabaduchiya :模擬市民中兒童要上學搭校車時會說的道別語

Nooboo :嬰兒


Cheeya Vedishya :Challenge Everything,挑戰一切,前面已經提過是EA的招牌slogon


Oonga! Oonga! :肚子餓道出

Moo nah Pooh :揮舞著雙手時道出,需要一些東西或做些改變

Flibla :火


以下是Chemicals React歌曲的英文版歌詞
You make me feel out of my element
Like I’m walkin’ on broken glass
Like my worlds spinnin’ in slow motion
And you’re movin’ too fast

Were you right, was I wrong
Were you weak, was I strong, yeah
Both of us broken
Caught in a moment
We lived and we loved
And we hurt and we joked, yeah
But the planets all aligned
When you looked into my eyes
And just like that
The chemicals react
The chemicals react

You make me feel out of my element
Like I’m drifting out to the sea
Like the tides pullin’ me in deeper
Makin’ it harder to breathe

We cannot deny, how we feel inside
We cannot deny

Were you right, was I wrong
Were you weak, was I strong, yeah
Both of us broken
Caught in a moment
We lived and we loved
And we hurt and we joked, yeah
But the planets all aligned
When you looked into my eyes
And just like that
The chemicals react
The chemicals react

Kaleidoscope of colors
Turning hopes on fire, sun is burning
Shining down on both of us
Don’t let us lose it (don’t let us lose it…)

Were you right, was I wrong
Were you weak, was I strong, yeah
Both of us broken
Caught in a moment
We lived and we loved
And we hurt and we joked, yeah

We lived
We loved
We hurt
We joked
We’re right
We’re wrong
We’re weak
We’re strong
We lived to love

But the planets all aligned
When you looked into my eyes
And just like that
Watch the chemicals react
And just like that
The chemicals react
(The chemicals react)

一直很喜歡的緞帶教堂 Ribbon Chapel
2006 年 12 月