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TwitterFox 1.5.4釋出,支援新版Firefox 3

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TwitterFox 1.5.4釋出,支援新版Firefox 3

TwitterFox是一種讓Firefox瀏覽器畫面右下角自動讀取twitter資訊的好用小工具,而剛剛TwitterFox 1.5.4新版本釋出,支援新版瀏覽器Firefox 3 beta5與pre、rc1,是1.5以來第4個對外發表的更新版本,修正了點亮訊息等錯誤,並支援更多語系版本。


安裝方式很簡單,只要讓Firefox瀏覽器連結到http://www.naan.net/trac/wiki/TwitterFox,點選畫面中的Install Now,就能夠順利安裝,重開Firefox後就能夠使用。

twitterfox 自1.5系列版本以來的更新內容如下: 

version 1.5.4 (04/16/2008)

    * Support Firefox 3.0b3, b4, b5, and nightly build (beta)
          o There are some problems with Firefox beta 4 on Windows or earlier platform. Check FAQ/Known issues.
    * Support es-ES, nl-NL, zh-CN, zh-TW, fr-FR, and nb-NO locales
    * Make contrast on timeline
    * Sound notification
    * Save state (entered text, received timeline id)
    * Tab key navigation
    * Fix bugs

version 1.5.3 (03/10/2008)

    * Fixed typo

version 1.5.2 (03/10/2008)

    * Fixed can’t send status message correctly with Firefox 3 beta3.
    * Supported beta 4 and beta5pre.
    * Fixed some locale files

version 1.5.1 (03/06/2008)

    * Added tab key navigation
    * Added unread count on tab and remove translation of the tab text
    * Fixed bugs
          o Avoid too much request of getting friend list when user enter ‘@replies’ message
          o Fixed status bar unread counter doesn’t appear when user disable balloon popup
          o Save last access time and most recent id of each timeline requests (timeline/replies/messages) to avoid drop messages
          o Modified zh-CN translation
          o Disabled AIFF file filter of choose sound file dialog on Windows/Linux platform
          o Fixed autocomplete box expand input box width

version 1.5 (03/01/2008)

    * Support Firefox 3 beta 3 and beta 4 pre.
          o Fixed problem of add account on beta3
          o Fixed balloon popup behavior
    * Support new locales (es-ES, nl-NL, zh-CN, zh-TW, fr-FR)
    * Save state
          o Entered text
          o Received most recent timeline id
    * Added sound notification
    * Implemented asynchronous decode/encode tinyURL
    * Consolidate balloon popup when user get more than 5 updates


一直很喜歡的緞帶教堂 Ribbon Chapel
2008 年 4 月